(Set Forth The Virtues And Perfections Of Christ)
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”
“There’s something about Anna I just can’t seem to place my finger on,” Doris said.
“Yeah, she’s really cool; she has no airs about her even though she’s at the very top of her class,” Benita added.
“I know why,” Rodney interjected, “She’s a Christian, and shows in her character and behaviour.”
Like Anna, every Christian ought to reflect God’s glory in everything they say and do. As one who’s born again, it matters whose character is reflected in your life. When you talk, whom do you portray? Let Christ be heard in your words, and let Him be seen in your actions. Don’t let people hear you and have the impression that you’re wild,
arrogant or violent. If Christ is in you, let Him talk through you; let Him see through your eyes and work with your hands; let Him show up in your life!
Every time you respond to situations, let it be Christ in you responding. Remember, He lives in you; you’re a “carrier” of His divine glory. You’re the reflector, as well as
the reflection, of His glory. That’s what the Word means by “…being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person…” (Hebrews 1:3). You might say, “But that verse refers to Jesus!” Yes, but you’re like Him (1 John 4:17). So, don’t act in the flesh; express the beauty of God’s holiness that’s inside you. Express His righteousness.
Live His Word; portray the virtues and perfections of Christ with your life, because you represent Him. Think, talk, and act like Him. Meditate on His Word; His Word shows you His way of thinking; His Word reveals His personality to us. So, the more you study the Word and act on it, the more you characterise Him with your life. Portray His character of love, righteousness, goodness, and compassion with your
life, because your world may never know Him until they meet you. Never forget that.
Go Deeper
John 3:30; 1 John 2:6; 1 Peter 2:21
Dear Father, I’m glad you’ve made me an associate of the Godkind! I’m empowered by your Spirit to reveal Christ with my life daily, and manifest all His glories to my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Daily Bible Reading
Matthew 5:1-20, Genesis 12-14
Matthew 3:1-9, Genesis 5
Write down below the beautiful things you will do in your world as a result of today’s message.
My Notes
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