(Personalise God’s Word)
“So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls.”
There are people who go to church but never think the message being preached is addressed to them. They always feel the pastor is referring to someone
else, especially if he’s correcting something negative. Take for example, Susan and Maggie who had a row the previous day. Now they’re in church, and it happens that the pastor is addressing envy, strife, and malice. Susan suddenly feels justified and starts casting conceited glances at Maggie that say, “Hope you’re listening.”
That’s a wrong approach to the Word of God by Susan. The message came for both of them, but Susan missed the blessing because she didn’t personalise the
Word. She kept thinking it wasn’t her but Maggie who needed to hear what the pastor had to say. Whenever you’re in church and God’s Word is coming to you, always
personalise it and receive it for yourself. Don’t sit there wishing someone who offended you is listening to what the pastor is preaching; receive the Word for yourself.
Similarly, don’t only pay attention to the topics you like and ignore the ones that don’t quite go down well with you. The Bible says “Every Scripture is God-breathed (given
by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action)” (2 Timothy 3:16 AMPC). So, whether the preacher is sharing an exciting message on prosperity or correcting a wrong attitude through the Word, take it as God’s Word for you.
Go Deeper
Proverbs 9:12; Luke 6:41-42
I refuse to be conceited. Pride has no place in me. As I receive God’s Word into my heart today with all humility and modesty, I experience its transforming power, in Jesus’ Name!
Daily Bible Reading
Matthew 15:1-28, Exodus 1-2
Matthew 8:23-34, Genesis 22
Meditate on 2 Timothy 3:16 AMPC.
My Notes
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